Thursday, May 14, 2020

War of the Roses with Triumph! on terrain maker hexes.

  These are 5mm H&R figures for War of the Roses.  The terrain is GHQ terrain maker.  I've got to say the hexes are vintage, they've held up for nearly 3 decades.

Triumph! rules are very very similar to DBA with a few differences.  They are a good set for fast play small table ancients for people who cannot understand DBA because of the dense prose.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Featured Miniature #6b

Yeah so I went on about the Dendra armor but didn't put a picture of the mini up.  I found the dude skulking in the back of the box.  Maybe he was tired of lugging around a few dozen pounds of bronze.  Here he is.

Featured Miniature #6

Mycenaean Greek 15mm from Old Glory.  I painted many of these in authentic style, then I saw the "Troy" movie and took a liking to the Hollywood-hip black/grey/bronze outfits. 

There are a few figures in this collection that are wearing the "Dendra Panoply", which is a big bronze trashcan of armor and is very cool.  It seems that the armor was so heavy the wearers would ride a chariot to their spot in the battle, then get out and fight, making them the first armored mobile infantry in the world!
See more on the Dendra Panoply

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Into the woods

Just discovered my box of Terrain Maker hexes. Best estimate is that they are almost 30 years old.  Here's a teaser.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Featured Miniature #5

Pzkfw IV tank.  This is a Forces of Valor 1/72 model from Unimax.  I think I bought it in Walmart or Toys R Us.  This is how it came out of the box.  No painting or touch ups by me.  Coolest part is it has rubber tracks and rolling wheels!  This line may not be in production anymore, certainly not available in big box stores, but I have seen some online.  This will make an appearance in a soon-to-be published 2nd battle report of Crossfire.